
The impact of mandatory rules in International Commercial Arbitration
Alfred Siwy
Art der Arbeit
Universität Wien
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Helmut Ofner
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Die Arbeit behandelt die Voraussetzungen für die Anwendung von Eingriffsnormen durch internationale Schiedsgerichte. Zur Erstellung einer Anknüpfungsnorm wird rechtsvergleichend die Behandlung von Eingriffsnormen in kontinentaleuropäischen Rechtskreisen und im angloamerikanischen Rechtsraum untersucht. Aus den Ergebnissen wird eine Anknüpfungsnorm, die vor internationalen Schiedsgerichten angewendet werden kann, abgeleitet.
Parties to international contracts will invariably agree to resolve their disputes by arbitration. One reason for this choice will be their expectation to be able to exercise a greater measure of control over the arbitral tribunal than they would over a national court. This will also apply to the application to the law the arbitrators are to apply to a contract. It is a fundamental principle of contractual freedom that the parties are free to choose the applicable law they wish the tribunal to apply to their case. In most cases, the arbitral tribunal will be obliged to follow this choice. However, national legislators enact rules of law they intend to be applicable regardless of the otherwise applicable law. Such mandatory rules in most cases protect fundamental interests of states which the legislators consider to important to be circumvented by the choice of law of the parties. Before national courts of the states which enacted such laws, the application will be natural consequence of the national conflict of laws rules. If the dispute is to be decided before foreign courts, this will be substantially different. As will be set out in detail in this thesis, legislators and courts have elaborated rules according to which national courts will apply foreign mandatory rules. Most modern systems of arbitration law, however, provide a detachment of the arbitrators from the conflict of laws systems of the lex arbitri. Therefore, the rules established for the application of foreign mandatory rules do not apply in arbitration. The absence of such rules would, however, lead to the situation that the parties could circumvent the application of rules which may be essential for the interests of states. Further, one party may invoke a mandatory rule claiming that the rule has a certain impact on the contractual relationship with the other party which the arbitral tribunal must take into consideration. The arbitral tribunal in such a situation must decide whether and under which circumstances it will apply mandatory rules of law both of the lex causae and of third legal orders. The examination of the rules which arbitral tribunal shall follow in such a case is the subject of this thesis.


Mandatory Rules Commercial Arbitration
Eingriffsnormen Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Alfred Siwy
Haupttitel (Englisch)
The impact of mandatory rules in International Commercial Arbitration
Paralleltitel (Deutsch)
Der Einfluss von Eingriffsnormen in der Internationalen Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit
170 S.
Helmut Ofner ,
Walter Rechberger
86 Recht > 86.06 Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsvereinheitlichung ,
86 Recht > 86.65 Wirtschaftsrecht
AC Nummer
Utheses ID
UA | 083 | 101 | |
Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1