
European Arrest Warrant
Madalina Covrig
Art der Arbeit
Master-Thesis (ULG)
Universität Wien
Postgraduate Center
Studiumsbezeichnung bzw. Universitätlehrgang (ULG)
Universitätslehrgang International Legal Studies
Gerhard Hafner
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Später tätigte der Rat der Europäischen Union den wichtigsten Schritt in Tampere am 15. und 16. Oktober 1999. Der wichtigste Diskussionspunkt war, dass die gegenseitige Anerkennung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen der EU-Mitgliedstaaten eingeführt und die Modalitäten dieser gegenseitigen Anerkennung besprochen wurden. Dieser Rechtsakt ist das stärkste Instrument zur Erleichterung der grenzüberschreitenden Strafverfolgung oder Ermittlungen. In der Praxis wird dieser Rechtsakt - der Europäische Haftbefehl - als „der Eckpfeiler der justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen“ bezeichnet. Der Europäische Haftbefehl ist durch den Rahmenbeschluss 2002/584 /JI offiziell in Kraft getreten und gilt als die erste und effizienteste Maßnahme der Europäischen Union zur gegenseitigen Anerkennung in Strafsachen zwischen den EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Wie aus Artikel 1 Absatz 1 des Rahmenbeschlusses hervorgeht, ist der Europäische Haftbefehl „eine justizielle Entscheidung, die in einem Mitgliedstaat ergangen ist und die Festnahme und Übergabe einer gesuchten Person durch einen anderen Mitgliedstaat zur Strafverfolgung oder zur Vollstreckung einer Freiheitsstrafe oder einer freiheitsentziehenden Maßregel der Sicherung bezweckt. ". Dieses Instrument zeigt seine Wirksamkeit durch eine höhere Aufklärungsrate von Straftaten verglichen mit dem Zeitraum vor seinem Inkrafttreten.
As exposed in the present paper, the development of Europe along with the development of the European Union itself, has also put a weigh upon controlling criminality, especially regarding organized crime within the European Union. In order to abolish that, the European Union together with its Member States, had to come up with a solution. International organized crimes had increased since the free movement of goods and persons has been implemented within the European Union and not only, and following that, the Union had to implement several legal instruments or any other adjustments in order to combat or even progressively eliminate the criminality affecting the Member States of the European Union. These adjustments would lead to a closer judicial cooperation between the Member States of the European Union, as it were the extradition agreements that were broadly presented in the present thesis or the implementation and harmonization between the Framework Decisions of the European Union with national legislations of the Member States. The first main step towards a close-knit cooperation between the EU Member States was first marked by the Treaty of Maastricht under which it was established the base regarding judicial cooperation in criminal matters, lately followed by the Treaty of Amsterdam when it was created a more developed institutional framework in order to facilitate the judicial cooperation and judicial assistance in criminal matters as well. Later on, the most important step of the Council of the European Union was taken in Tampere in October 15th and 16th in 1999 where the main point of discussion was that the mutual recognition of judicial decisions of the EU Member States and how this would be the strongest instrument in order to facilitate criminal prosecutions or investigations, regardless of the state in question. Therefore, the cornerstone of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as practitioners are calling it, has been implemented, namely, the European Arrest Warrant. The European Arrest Warrant had officially entered into force through the Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA and it is considered to be the first and most efficient measure taken by the European Union concerning the mutual recognition in criminal matters between the EU Member States. As it is stated article 1 (1) of the Framework Decision, the European Arrest Warrant is “judicial decision issued by a Member State with a view to the arrest and surrender by another Member State of a requested person, for the purposes of conducting a criminal prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order”, instrument that marked an increased number of solved criminal cases compared to the period of time before its implementation.


European Arrest Warrant
Madalina Covrig
Haupttitel (Englisch)
European Arrest Warrant
64 Seiten
Gerhard Hafner
86 Recht > 86.96 Völkerrecht: Sonstiges
AC Nummer
Utheses ID
UA | 992 | 628 | |
Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1