
Political attitudes of generation Z and generation X towards EU, comparative analysis of cases
Croatia, Montenegro, and Slovenia
Karla Blazekovic
Art der Arbeit
Master-Thesis (ULG)
Universität Wien
Postgraduate Center
Studiumsbezeichnung bzw. Universitätlehrgang (ULG)
Universitätslehrgang für Internationale Studien (M.A.I.S.-Lg)
Tatiana Coutto
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In dieser Masterarbeit wird untersucht, ob die Präsenz der EU in der politischen Landschaft während der Gründungsphase eine Rolle dabei spielt, wie die Menschen Wahrnehmungen und Bilder von den EU-Institutionen, der Staatsbürgerschaft und den Werten gegenüber der EU entwickeln. Als Beispiele werden Kroatien, Montenegro und Slowenien herangezogen. Die Generation Z in Kroatien und Slowenien wurde geboren, als die EU in der Politik präsent war, während ihre Altersgenossen in Montenegro den Verhandlungsprozess ihres Landes schon seit geraumer Zeit miterlebt haben. Die Datenquelle ist das Eurobarometer 95.3, das im Juli 2021 erhoben wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Generation Z die Konzepte der Unionsbürgerschaft in allen drei Ländern im Allgemeinen akzeptiert und dass dieser Optimismus bei der Generation X geringer ist.
Since the breakup of ex-Yugoslavia, the states in Western Balkans have been searching for their place in an international setting. The countries in the region have had different paths towards independence, international integration, and finding their geopolitical identity. The study examines if the presence of the EU in the political landscape through the formation period plays a role in the creation of attitudes towards the EU. This is tested in the cases of Croatia, Montenegro, and Slovenia. Generation Z in Croatia and Slovenia was born with the EU being present in the political landscape, while their peers in Montenegro witnessed, for quite some time now, the negotiation process of their country. The source of data is Eurobarometer 95.3, which was collected in July of 2021 and published in September of the same year. The study finds that generation Z is generally accepting of European citizenship concepts across all three countries and that this optimism is lower with generation X. However, it seems that generation Z is less willing to give political empowerment to the EU, while at the same time they feel closer in terms of shared values and being European. Additionally, the democracy satisfaction of the EU is higher in the countries with a higher corruption index, which proves the optimism of candidate countries and new joiners about the EU's system. It seems that the generation that was born with the EU being present, expect more to be done, while generation X, could be possibly, experiencing fatigue from the long accession periods and the row of crisis that struck the EU in the last several years. Either way, leaders will have to find a way, how to communicate with younger generations and find solutions to the feeling of ‘’distant’’ to institutions and decision-makers. If we want to make a fuller picture of the EU's relationship with the region, we need to take into account what benefits EU citizenship brings to people in different life stages and to people of different socio-economic stratification, generally speaking, while it seems that further political integration does not have the support, effects of soft-powers do.


Generation Z Westbalkan EU Öffentliche Meinung Europäische Identität Euroskepsis Eurobarometer Gemeinsame Werte Demokratie Vertrauen in Institutionen Image Politische Einstellungen Jugendpartizipation
Generation Z Western Balkans EU public opinion European identity Euroscepticism Eurobarometer democracy trust institutions shared values EU Image political attitudes youth participation
Karla Blazekovic
Haupttitel (Englisch)
Political attitudes of generation Z and generation X towards EU, comparative analysis of cases
Hauptuntertitel (Englisch)
Croatia, Montenegro, and Slovenia
Paralleltitel (Deutsch)
Politische Einstellungen der Generation Z und der Generation X gegenüber EU, vergleichende Analyse der Fälle
Paralleluntertitel (Deutsch)
Kroatien, Montenegro und Slowenien
48 Seiten
Tatiana Coutto
89 Politologie > 89.35 Demokratie ,
89 Politologie > 89.74 Internationale Zusammenarbeit: Sonstiges
AC Nummer
Utheses ID
UA | 992 | 940 | |
Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1